Friday, December 18, 2009

Adding Interaction!

Well I thought adding interaction was fun and easy. To me it was the easiest unit to me, I liked it. Yeah, working in Flash is fun it's hard if you don't know what your doing but, with our teachers helping us and the tutorials, they pretty much show/teach us everything we need to know. Our game topic is adding, our game is for like little kids in kindergarten or 1st grade. Addition Man, is our character he saves the town by getting the right answers for the addition problem! I think our game will be kind of fun for the little kids. Were getting closer and closer to finishing.(:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


We can blog about anything to day so I decided to blog about Thanksgiving which is tomorrow! I just can't wait for all the food like turkey, ham, mash potatoes, green beans, rolls, macaroni, and lots more. I usually eat at my house and then at my grandma's house. I love beening with my friends & family on thanksgiving they're so funny, which always puts a smile on my face and they make good food. Thanksgiving is my 3rd favorite holiday. I'm thankful for all my family, us beening together, food, fun, and laughing.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Adding Navigation!

I kinda like it I didn't think it was to hard to do really but, Mrs. Barker helped us with it so that's probably why I think it wasn't all that hard. I know how to make a button now it's really cool and we have to know how to make one because they are involved in our game were making. Yeah it was fun, because I learned something new about how to make a button in flash. Then she started teaching us about how to make one scene go to another by using the button. Now that was a little hard and sorta confusing but, I'm getting the hang of it. We also had to make sure we put the code in the actions layer and make sure it's right so that it wouldn't keep on looping around, instead it stopped.

Friday, November 13, 2009

My Experiences In Globaloria

Some of my new experiences in globaloria is drawing our game which is called "paper prototyping", then drawing it in flash which is called "drawing in flash", and learning all those new/different things in flash which was pretty fun yet confusing. We also had to learn how to make a button in flash. I helped Brittney if she needed help and she helped me I think our team worked good together in drawing in flash, we learned about teamwork. :) Those are my experiences I have had in globaloria and I'm going to have a lot more along the way.

Monday, November 9, 2009

What have I done in flash?

We had to read and watch tutorials to learn how to use layers and key frames. I have been doing the about me for our game and it isn't really all that hard. I'm not quit done yet though because were I missed and stuff but, I'm getting there. I actually think it's fun learning all these new things about flash and being able to get to use them to draw our game. I really don't like it when I can't get something if flash to do what I want it to do or when I don't understand how it works. But, besides that I think I'm doing great in flash and in globaloria.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Team roles and disagreements.

My role in the team is coder that's were I handle codes. I think I'll be good at this job because I remember things and I'm good with codes. We had a couple disagreements like, when we were choosing different colors for the capes people could choose Britteny wanted pink but Dustin said no so we decided to go with purple. I look forward to having lots of fun,putting the game together,and the difficult little things that we will have to solve. My inspiration for our game is math it inspired us to choose addition for our game.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Educational Games

I have played a lot of games and most of them have been educational. Some of them are teen pregnancy, learn the bones, super toaster, what would you do?, and katrina: tempest in crescent city. On everyone of those games you learn something educational and those are all on the internet. I really cant think of any video games I've played that are educational. I learned a lot from playing the games I have played like were the bones are in our body and the names of them, making decisions, what happens when your pregnant how not to get pregnant or how to get pregnant, and many other things. Yes I do think that games can create a learning atmosphere.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Let's get started :D

I so happy that we're finally starting our game. I can tell that it's going to be so much fun working with our teams,making the game,and all the funny things that will happen. My job in the group is codes. Alexis is Manger,Dustin is the artist, and Brittney does sounds. Our team name is "The Lean Mean Gaming Machines!" it's a funny name to laugh at. I think I'm doing really good so far. Our character in the game is Multiplication Man he goes around solving multiplication problems. Were all so excited about everything.

Monday, October 5, 2009

So far in Globaloria....

Globaloria has been great I really like this class. We have learned a lot of new things like flash, wiki, blogging, projects page, learning log, and so much more. Mr.Lester put us in groups of three or four. We put alot of stuff on our projects page. Blogging every friday, keeping up with my learning logs/projects page, talking to my mentor, updating profile, uploading files, and when I miss a day I make sure I catch up so I won't fall behind. I have alot of fun in this class it isn't really all that hard but I bet it will get there. I just can't wait till we make a game!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Internet Safety

It's important for us to know that not everything on the internet is safe like pictures that you upload some people might not like what they see. Or when you say things about other people then it gets out, I don't think it will turn out to good. We all talk to people on the internet,all we need to do is just don't give out personal information like your full name, where you live, and anything else that's personal. Were being as safe as we can be in Globaloria. I think the internet is great as long as you don't use it for anything bad. From my point of view I also think it's safe as long as you don't do any of those things you'll be fine.

Friday, September 11, 2009

What I like about Math.

Well I like math it's just I'm not that good in it but I work until I get it right. It's fun sometimes an then sometimes it isn't. I don't think I have a favorite lesson I just go along with what ever the teacher is teaching but I really like multiplication. My least favorite thing about math is it's hard for me to understand some of the stuff. Like fractions,probability,integers,and some word problems.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My first entry.

In Globaloria I hope to learn more about computers and what we are doing. I don't quite have a game idea yet I will soon though but its going to be fun and educational. I'm mostly scared about my game not turning out write but if I listen to my teachers I will get it right. I'm excited about it because I think is it going to be a lot of fun and I'm also exited about making the the game it might be hard but I'm going to try my best.